I know some of you are probably wondering what the heck is a booboot? When Ellie was little she affectionately called her pacifier a "booboot" I have not a clue where the name came from, but it was so darn cute that the name just had to stay. Years later we still call it that and now even some of our friends and other family members use that term. Well our sweet Presley will not suck on her booboot the right way, she always has it upside down... hence the name "upside down booboot girl". We just love our little upside down booboot girl.
that is SOO cute! i just took nate's binkies away for his birthday, but he would always suck his upside down too!! funny!
Hey! I'm glad you said hi on my blog. Your little girl is so adoreable! All your kids are cute, it's been fun reading your blog and seeing them all! What a beautiful family you have.
Booboot...I love it! So cute.
Ahh, she is so stinking cute! She already dances to the beat of her own drum huh? Well, I guess there are no rules on how to suck on a booboot:)
What a cutie!
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