Yesterday Ellie went into Children's Hospital to have her tonsils and adenoids removed. I am going to back up alittle... About two years ago Ellie started having fainting spells kind of just periodically (mostly when she would throw a fit and cry) she would scream when things were not always her way and then pass out on us. We were told by the pediatrician that this was something called "hold your breath syndrome" and that she would grow out of it. Time went on and this just seemed to be more constant and happening now mostly at night. Ellie several times would wake up from a deep sleep and complain that she can't breath. She would try to catch her breath and then pass out from lack of oxygen. Ken and I were not quit sure what was wrong but we knew that something was not right. During the last few months Ellie's passing out and shortness of breath has just become a common thing in our house, we again took her to the pediatrician and came home with nothing to go on. Then one day Ellie was crying and Ken happened to look down her throat and saw her enormous tonsils. They were HUGE! When we took Ellie into the surgeon's office they were all surprised to see this little girl with these huge monster tonsils blocking the way. So yesterday was the big day we have been waiting for. She was so brave and so little and just so cute going in for her surgery. Ken and I were with her when the put her to sleep and then when she woke up she was so funny. One time she woke up and blew Ken a Kiss and feel back to sleep, another time she wanted a Popsicle and then she wanted mac-n-cheese. They asked her if she wanted to watch a movie and she wanted Spiderman, Spiderman? She has never seen that movie. She had a great day yesterday with no problems she was happy and wanting to play in her room. She spent the night in the Hospital for observation and was bouncing off the walls yesterday. Now today is a little different story, she is a little sore and complaining that her ears hurt, but overall not to bad (keep our fingers crossed).
Ellie in the morning before check in at the Hospital.
This is just 30 minutes after she woke up, she wanted a slushy.
In her hospital room, just happy as can be on her daddy's lap.