I know, I know you all probably thought we have dropped off the face of the earth, no we are still here. Here is what we have been up to...
I turned 31 back in September! Yippee or should I say WHAT!! I was 21 like last year and now I am married, I have three kids, a huge mortgage and a cheerio infested minivan -wow where does the time go?
Speaking of the ride of luxury (the minivan) we got in a car accident. That will teach me to go to the mall and do some mindless shopping. Everyone is fine, we got rear ended and the bumper just needed to be replaced. All is fixed and back to normal now.
I started watching two little kids three times a week for a few hours (I know what your thinking, "those poor kids that women has a hard enough time with her own children") It is actually working out better than I thought. It gives Ellie someone else to beat up instead of Presley and gives me some extra spending cash to buy the girls things, things like really cool Halloween customs. Yes, we bought the girls their customs the other day. Lets just say that this may come as a shock to those who know me. So the other day we took the girls to Target. I was thinking it would be nice if all three girls went as something like cute little clowns or something with a theme that was cute and girly, obviously my children were on a completely different page than myself. So we are walking down the isle and Maci says she has the perfect idea "Mom I have the best idea, what if we all go as characters from Star Wars" (Ken in the back ground egging it on) "Mom, I will go as Darth Vader, Ellie can be Princess Leah, and Presley can go as Yoda. What do you think Mom?" Well at this point I am adding it up the cost in my head lets see, two light saver thingys that require batteries, a pair of black gloves, a green little man costume for my little baby girl, a dark and scary helmet thing that covers my big girls pretty little face and a not so cute mumu looking white dress with the ugliest hair do I have seen. That all adds up to alot of money, of course Ken would have put his foot down if these were fairy's and we were spending this much money, but because they are Star Wars money was no object. I lost a battle that I would have never thought I would ever deal with. So I am trying to find a Jaba the Hut outfit for my wonderful, charming and oh so adorable husband, and I am going as a Butterfly!
Ok, enough with the drama.
My sister in-law Laura had a baby girl, they named her Allison. Just last week my sister Janelle had a baby boy and named him Mason. So I am excited to be an Aunt to more little nieces and nephews.
Ken has not traveled the past two weeks and that has been so nice, I love having him around the house plus it gives me a chance to get out at nights and go running. Yep I started running again and I love it! In May my friends and I are going to run a race called the Boulder Boulder it is just barley over 6 miles and I am so excited and can't wait. Plus I am getting back in shape, that's the best part.
Well that a pretty good update for now, the girls are about to cause harm to one another so I need to go intervene.
a few hours later... Ken just brought it to my attention that I have spelled some very important Star Wars words wrong, I would like apologize for the "light
savers" apparently they are not candy.